Monday, February 15, 2010

New Safety Measures.

Now that we are starting to get life back to normal after the snow, I thought that I'd draw attention to a couple of signs that Larry has posted in each of the building's lobbies.  (I will post of photo of them when I get a chance).

We are asking our residents to be careful with whom they choose to let into the building.  I think that many of us are trying to get to know one another so that we can increase the overall safety of the building.  However, if you are unsure of who may be trying to enter the building after you, you might want to ask if they live in the building.  If (and *only* if) you feel safe doing so, please ask the person to wait for a member of our community to either buzz him or her in, or ask him or her to wait for a resident come down to the door.

If you feel unsafe, please get to your apartment and call the police.

The Tenant's association would like all residents to feel that we live in a safe building.

If you have any stories of the building that you'd like to share, please feel free to let us know by commenting or getting in contact with your Tenant board.


  1. What is with the rodent postings? Has anyone noticed any activity? In which bldg? I haven't in 3800.

    -- Nicole

  2. That's funny. I haven't had any problems either. I'm not sure what this is about. I'll ask Larry.

  3. In the 7 years i've been in 3800 i've only seen a mouse in my apartment once. I set a glue trap but it seemed to have gone somewhere else. Haven't seen any since.

    Roaches sometimes crawl into the bathroom window from the ventilator shaft but i head them off at the pass by setting roach motels on the sill.
